Let's say you wake up in the morning and your water is out. The faucets run dry. The toilet won't fill. No shower today.
This is a problem. And you need to call the Water Authority to get your water fixed.
There are steps you must take to get results. There is a thought process involved. " Who do I call? I need to call the Water Authority. I've got to look up the number. I need a pencil and paper to write down notes. I need some quiet so I can hear. I need someone on the other end to provide a solution."
Many think He can't or He won't or they just don't hear Him. Maybe you believe it CAN happen, but just not to you. Or maybe you want it, but just don't know how to make it happen. We make it complicated and hard but it's really just like making an important phone call. Like when your water is out. We've all done that.
So Here is how to contact the "Water Authority" in Five Easy Steps
So Here is how to contact the "Water Authority" in Five Easy Steps
1) YOU MUST GET QUIET AND ALONE SO YOU CAN HEAR. If you have to make in important call, you get somewhere where you can hear. You tell the kids to be quiet because you have to concentrate. "We have no water, for crying out loud. This is the priority right now. *You must quiet the world so you can hear, process and understand. Eliminate distractions, make it the priority and be intentional about it. Be Still. (See Psalm 46:10)
2) YOU MUST DO YOUR JOB and INTENTIONALLY ASK GOD TO TALK TO YOU. You dial the number and expect the Water Authority will answer. Although the water company CAN call you and they might like to hear from you, they aren't going to call every person each day and say " Hey, Is your water on? Ok. talk to you tomorrow." They are trusting that they have done their job( providing water) and you are doing yours( paying the bill). The framework of this relationship is in place via the contract. If you need to talk about something important or have an issue, you call THEM. You know the hours of operation, and there is an emergency line for the water company, so when you dial you expect someone to answer. *God is also there 24/7, expect Him to pick up and answer. He wants to hear from you so much that He has set in place the pipelines and faucet controls to deliver fresh water to you daily. You must do your part. (See Phil 4:6)
3) YOU MUST READ THE BIBLE. When you call the Water Authority, you can talk but to solve a problem you must also listen. Sure, you can call and rant and speak your mind, but if you do that and just hang up, the problem is not solved. You are still dry as a bone and can't do life in a normal way. Open the book. Let your instinct guide you to a passage and start reading. Things will pop out that apply to you. Be willing to see yourself/God in the words. It WILL happen. The Word is Living Water that you need to drink in as much as you can. (See John 7:38)
4) TAKE NOTES AND TRUST IN THE KNOWLEDGE. When talking to the Water Authority, you might have to write down numbers/ names of people who can help you or appointment times. Maybe they'll give you instructions to turn off the main line or call a plumber. You might have to wait in discomfort for a bit until they can complete the repair. You might hear, "We're working on it. Be patient. We have technicians in your area." God will also give you instructions, and divine appointments. He might send a helper or technician. He might tell you to wait and ask you to live in discomfort for a time because He's working on it. Regardless of the answer. Thank Him for His help, and trust in his Authority, Knowledge and Plan. ( See Proverbs 3:5)
5) BE GRATEFUL. Think about how we take running water for granted. Turn on the faucet. Flush the toilet. It's there. We never call the Water company and just say " hey, great job! My water came on every day this month. Thank you." Wow. Imagine if we did. Take time to thank God for His interest in you. He is with you and He cares. And he is ready to help if you need repairs. Be a loyal customer. Tell others about His excellent Customer Service. (See The whole Bible)
Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'" John 7:38